Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another Experiment, a goof, and a coloring

Here's another photo from Canobie Lake. This was a bit more of an experiment. I'm not yet sure how I feel about it. ... any opinions?

Sun Bathing... or should I call it Sun Shower?

This one was more of me goofing around, then anything. I don't know if it's considered artworthy.. what do you think?

Main Street

This one is an old coloring I did. The lines are by Cat Craig . I colored them in with colored pencils. This is from 1Feb07. It's a lil darker on top because I took a picture of it, rather than scanned it. I substituted the background in PSP.

Cat's Lily

Rejoice Protect Embrace

I was determined to do one artful thing before bed. its 5 am... but i'm going to bed nows, so heres what i've got. its a photo i took at The Boston Tea Party ride at Canobie Lake Park in Salem, NH. i experimented a lil.... what do you think? Honesty please. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Am I A Cannibal?

Angela put up a prompt at the photography group at Mixed Media Arts, the prompt was the word "Candy"

So here's what I came up with.

Why the title, you ask? Well, yesterday, Pops saw me with the box of these. he asked "so, if you eat those, does it make you a cannibal?" lol gotta love Pops.. it did take me a sec to get that though lol.. get it.. they're.. Nerds?! :)

Recycling Plastic Bags and fusing supplies.

I decided to give a new project a try. I found videos on youtube, showing ways to recycle plastic bags, by fusing them and using them as fabric.

My first attempt was sketchy, some came out good, some came out not so good. But i learned some things to try next time, so hopefully all will come out good lol

But this leaves me with a couple of things left over.

1) the wax paper used to cover the bags.

2) the bags that came out .. not so good. :) the ones that melted too much and became holey.

So, now I'm wondering what I can do with these things. What can i use wax paper for? is there a way I can use them in my art journal?

also, for the bags that didnt come out. i could use some of them for stencils, basically, since a cool melted pattern was left. so that's one use, but what then after that? will acrylic paints stick to fused plastic? if that would work, i could try to incorporate the bags themselves into the journal in some way.

I'd really love some ideas/suggestions on this.

Also, if you have tried fusing the bags, please share your experiences with me. How did they come out? What did you make with em?

I'm just curious. :D

Here are a few vids about fusing. (check out Threadbanger's other stuff too. They ROCK!)

Art Journal 5: Picture Of My Sadness

My 5th entry (finished before my 4th lol). Simple painting, but I enjoyed it. I forgot to add the music track at the end of the video, so, sorry for the silence on that part.

Art Journal 3: Bloom In Love

my third art journal page. you cant really see the lace and toulle, but if you look at the video, you can see it properly. i was inspired in part by Willowing's video that showed using lace in her journal.

Here's the video:

Art Journal 2: Curiouser...

I tried scanning it, but it cut off the side, so i opted for this one. I will try to get it scanned and stitched some time in the near future.

This took me about 6 hours. My first attempt at anything like this, sketching, than painting it. I'm very proud of it, and very pleased. I was inspired by the Fairytale/Children's Stories monthly challenge at Willowing's Alice in Wonderland is a fave of mine, so it was a natural choice. .. i'd love any feedback

I made a video to go along with it.

Art Journal 1: Whale's Tail

This is the first page (2 parts obviously) of my art journal. It took me forever to finally get it started. I repurposed an old book of ads. Recycle, recycle, recycle! :D

Angela (EnchantedStarlight/Gypsy) gave me the art prompt of the whale's tail. I did it over 2 days. when i ended it the first night, i was so disappointed. went back to it on day 2, spent 3 hours more, and ended up with this. i'm very pleased with it. very. :D

This is what it looked like before:

plus i put a video up too.

Giving it a go again

I'm gonna try once again to keep a blog going. This time it will be based mostly on my art. I might throw in some entries on other things, but it will be based mostly on the things I create, arts, crafts, and maybe even writings, etc. We'll take it as it comes and see how it goes. :D

Note, the reason this is called Making Do... is because of the most important lesson my Grammy taught me... to make do with what you've got. I don't have alot of snazzy art supplies and equipment. Alot of what i have is old, or salvaged, or cheapy. But i still manage to make do with it, and get the work done. :) It's a lesson everyone should learn.