Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Recycling Plastic Bags and fusing supplies.

I decided to give a new project a try. I found videos on youtube, showing ways to recycle plastic bags, by fusing them and using them as fabric.

My first attempt was sketchy, some came out good, some came out not so good. But i learned some things to try next time, so hopefully all will come out good lol

But this leaves me with a couple of things left over.

1) the wax paper used to cover the bags.

2) the bags that came out .. not so good. :) the ones that melted too much and became holey.

So, now I'm wondering what I can do with these things. What can i use wax paper for? is there a way I can use them in my art journal?

also, for the bags that didnt come out. i could use some of them for stencils, basically, since a cool melted pattern was left. so that's one use, but what then after that? will acrylic paints stick to fused plastic? if that would work, i could try to incorporate the bags themselves into the journal in some way.

I'd really love some ideas/suggestions on this.

Also, if you have tried fusing the bags, please share your experiences with me. How did they come out? What did you make with em?

I'm just curious. :D

Here are a few vids about fusing. (check out Threadbanger's other stuff too. They ROCK!)